UKRAINE and US biolabs
[this thread started  18.4.22, -hc]

Has there been US-sponsored  Corona research in Ukainean laboratories ?

Before it was withdrawn from the website of the US embassy to Ukraine, an official Fact Sheet of the US Department of Defense destribed the US "support to 46 peaceful Ukrainean laboratories, health facilities and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades."
For the broader documentation of the context see an overview by Swiss "Infosperber" of 22 April 2022 (in German).
Here are transcribed subtitles of Russian TV presentations as captured from the web; and additional bits and pieces:

These are not the first but the first detailed Russian TV programs concerning Gain-of-Function (GoF) research in Ukraine, published in the heat of propaganda battles at the time of the Russian war against Ukraine.

However, they have relevance regarding two aspects.
First, in that they mention developments in Ukraine which, even where they are based on sources in the "Western" public domain, have been hardly taken notice of in the media; and sure, one has to read critically.
Secondly, in what the Russian declaration specifically does not mention: either because they perhaps did not recur to substantially critical "Western" publications on GoF - perhaps refusing to recognize these, as quite an important part of the Russian academic hierarchy in microbiology/virology research is engaged on this path -, or to (yet) conceal what more they might know.

Interestingly, while the Belo-Russian TV-report explicitly talks about corona viruses having been worked upon in the Ukrainian laboratories, there is no mentioning of this in the Russian ministry's declaration; though it can be presumed that the Belo-Russian publication would have been (more or less directly) coordinated between them.

Anyway, with this Russian publishing offensive, the debate about GoF research has been pushed into "high politics".

(1) Belo-Russian TV ATN, 28.3.22

(2) RT DE, 2.4.2022

Some days later though, came an additional announcement:
"Bat coronavirus found in U.S.-funded bio-lab in Ukraine: Russian Defense Ministry"
However, still without details or precisions, at that moment.

Occasional trouvaille:
(3) "2019 November 12: Black and Vetch sends $369,511 to Labyrinth Global Health in Ukraine for ” Covid-19 Research” before Covid-19 was know or named publicly."
(Besides of two typos - "Veatch", not "Vetch", "was known" not "know" - the info seems to be correct.)

The US government reacted with lenghty rejections which however, did not mention whatever precise details of the projects and biotechnological materials treated at the US-sponsored Ukrainean biolabs.

Added 14 October 2022:

(3.a) After number of well documented reports based even on official WHO documents had affirmed the removal of biological material - defined as  "sensitive" - from the Ukrainean labs, the US-official responsible, Victoria Nuland has admitted this operation in a by now famous hearing in the US Congress;, whithout any explanation or detail about that biologigal stuff or the work done with it in those 46 US-sponsored laboratories.

(3.b) On the other side, it's to attend if the Russian government would use the conference of the UN Bioweapons Convention in Geneva scheduled for 28 Nov to 16 Dec 2022 to present - or at least, release public - any evidence concerning corona research from what Russian military might have found with their occupatiopn of Urainean biolabs.

However, an article at the 
Bulletin of Atomic Scientist of October 11, 2022  about the last recent BWC consultations explains the thorny political environment there which conditions the publication of substantial information.

A Russian ministerial declaration of 22 May 2022

had mentioned details of documents and materials captured by Russian troops in Ukraine about biotechnological projects there alledgedly persuing offensive developments of bioweapons sponsored by US sources. However, none of the examples given there point to corona-related items.
(The URL is to the German language voice-over read of the original sound.)

Just for the record:
A "debunking" effort via "Science":
'The Russians must know it’s a lie.’
 Ukrainian bat research spun into a false tale of bioweapons
Disinformation campaign centers on routine collaboration on bat parasites
[Science]]  16 Mar 2022"

However, despite of so much reporting from all sides about the Ukraine conflict, nothing relevant related to the Ukrainean biolabs issue has surfaced more recently (i.e., until mid-Feb.2023.)



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