Belo-Russian TV ATN 28.3.22
[Speaker-Commentator text is not specificly marked.]
[PS == picture subscription]
[Edits and remarks in square brackets]

This is ["]Clear Politics["]. Hello. This is an uncomfortable topic for the
United States, which surfaced in the public space from time to time and now
received another impetus. It turned out that the Pentagon has caught Ukraine in the whole web of secret laboratories. Development of biological weapons and experiments with deadly pathogens. When did Ukraine turn into a testing ground for viruses, and where else does Washington violate the international law ?

[PS:] "US biological bombs. Secret Developments. Secret laboratories. Violation
of international laws. Dangerous experiments. Loss of life. "Combat" strains. Washington laboratory octopus. How much does the health of Georgians cost ? Killer chemistry. Only truth and facts !"

About thirty laboratories in Ukraine were revealed durng a special operation
of the Russian army. Frankly, the news was not a sensations. Plague, fever, coronavirus, antrax, and other infections were all handled by military virologists under the U.S. cover and funding.

[PS:] "Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation:" [cit]"I suggest paying attention to the fact that more and more new US controlled biological laboratories worldwide are growing by leaps and bounds. Moreover,
by a strange coincidence, they emerge mostly near the Russian and Chinese

This statement was made back in April 2021, when they tried to blame
coronavirus on official Beijing. After a while, it becomes clear that this could be part of the big American game. And the Covid itself is a laboratory creation. We will talk about this today.

[PS: "Ukrainian" experiment]
The first agreement between the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and the US Department of Defense was signed in 2005. Under the agreement, the Ukrainian
authorities transferred control over their biologicfl research to the
Pentagon with no right to infer in its work.
[document picture]
The document is still available on the website of the US State Department. In addition, Kiev does not have the right to disclose information about the American program, while providing access to its own state secrets in the field of biology and virology. The Pentagon began to actively set up biolabs in Ukraine in 20014, right after the Maidan battles. They are controlled by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency under the US Department of Defense. On the Ukrainian side, one of the key institutions is the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, STCU. also established under an agreement with Washington. Over the past 20 years, the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, has invested almost $300 million in biological research projects. Kiev, Dnepr, Kherson, Kharkov, Nicolayev and further down the list. From 2014 to 2017, from 13 to 15 American laboratories were built in Ukraine. All of them were subordinated to the Ministry of Health. And in 2016, (attention) a U.S. born Alyana Suprun became the relevant minister. Part of the laboratories, of course, are classified. It is there, according to experts, that deadly viruses can be produced.

[document picture]
[PS] "The military scientists from the United States, under diplomatic cover, create viruses, bacteria and toxins there. Simply put, this is a new biological weapons. The wrok is carried out under the Cooperativee Biological Engagement Program (CBEP)."

To understand the scale: The budget of the American program of biological experiments worldwide is more than $ 2 billion. A couple of years ago, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine suspected something was wrong. And they wrote about the threats to the county's
leadership in an open letter. In their opinion, the secret activity of laboratories has the task of testing viruses and bacteria on the organisms of Ukrainians.

[cit] "In fact, the work in the laboratories is carried out under the Cooperative Biological Engagement Program and is funded by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The Scientific and Technical Center of Ukraine, an international organization financed by the US authorities, its employees enjoying diplomatic immunity, has also joined this activity. The organization is engaged in financing projects for the development of mass destruction weapons."

Both then and now, Washington and Kiev deny all accusations, they say, they work only for peaceful purposes, and everything else is Russian disinformation and immoral lies. Yet, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland let it slip at a briefing that biological facilities do exist. But then why do they
hide their work ? And, most importantly, why do they cover up their tracks ? Here is the order of the Ministry of Health, which clearly orders to shut down the laboratories, to destroy the test tubes with the material.

[PS] Victor Litovkin, TASS military observer.
[cit:] "The documents obtained by our military show that Ukraine was developing toxins and plague, anthrax, polio, and many other diseases that can be transmitted through animals, birds, and so on. They even made tests with the corona virus. Therefore, there are suspicions that the United States and its biological laboratories, scattered all over the world, stand behind the corona virus pandemic."

They were also trying to clean up the results of experiments with potential agents, or vectors of biological weapons. For example. they used bats infected with a coronavirus infection. This is evidenced by the documents that ended up in the hands of Russian specialists. Bulgarian journalists also raised this topic in their big investigation a few years ago. They noted that the covert facilities have been searching for years for deadly pathogens that can be carried by bats and be of military interest. These studies are also funded by the same American biological program.

[PS: Igor Nikulin, microbiologist, former member of the UN Commission on Biologicaland Chemical Weapons:]
[cit:] "I do not exclude that the corona virus was produced in one of these American laboratories. That is why Ms. Nuland is so worried that such evidence could fall into the hands of the Russians. And then, of course, we will have a very big argument against the American monopoly in the world. The epidemic has already killed more than 5 million people, sickened tens of millions, infected hundred of millions. If there is a wave of lawsuits against the American government, then America will go bankrupt."

[PS: American chimera.]

We will come back to Ukraine, but for now let's talk about "coronavirus" that
has affected the entire planet. Yes, it is in such studies on the modification and adaption of coronaviruses that COVID-19 seems to have been born. But first things first. Although the Americans claimed that their research was aimed at "preventing threats to humanity", the scientific community knew what it was really about. So, in 2013, 56 leading European virologists expressed concern to the head of the European Commission that such studies are being carried out not for the benefit of healh protection, but, on the contrary, for military purposes.

[PS: Alexey Leonkov, military expert, editor of the Arsenal of the Fatherland Magazine (Russia):]
[cit:] "These laboratories collected biological material that they used for experiments, such as dangerous viruses and so on. They officially published hat they are studying the danger of local viruses and are looking for the ways to protect the local population for a long time. But it turned out that, in fact, all these laboratories were conducting research with strains of well-known dangerous biological and chemical substances, studying how they affect a particular population, how persistent these biologicl substances might be - be it an epidemic or a pandemic."

This was also understood in the USA. But Americans weren't thrilled about the dangerous experiments on their doorstep. And then there are thefts, loss of bacteria and a bunch of other violations at secure facilities. In July 2014, a loss of live anthrax bacteria occurred at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. As a result, 84 employees in three laboratories were potentially exposed to the deadly Ames strain. From 2004 to 2010, the audits revealed that there were 727 cases of theft and loss of selected pathogens and toxins in the United States, resulting in 11 laboratory infections. Therefore, since 2014, the United States introduced a moratorium on federal funding for research on a number of viruses, but only for the new ones and only in the United States. The rest of the coronavirus studies, including those in laboratories in Ukraine and Georgia, continued to be paid for. In 2015, they created a synthetic bat coronavirus chimera, and in October 2019 (even before the appearance of the Covid in China), they held the Event 201 exercise.

[document picture]
[PS:] "According to the scenario, "Event 201" was a simulated outbreak of a
new zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pig, and from them to humans.
Brazilian pig farms acted as a source of infection, after which the virus began
to massively pass from person to person, which resulted in a global infection
of the planet. The pathogen and the disease it causes have largely been modeled
from SARS. The scriptwriters determined the number of victims at 65 million
people, and the duration of the pandemic at 18 months."

They modeled vaccinations unavailable for the first year, a medical apparatus that helps, but does not stop the disease. Once again, there were only a couple of months left before the first outbreak of Covid, but the scenario is the same. In addition, six months before the outreak in China, the US and the UK began to actively buy ventilators, anaesthesia-respiratory assemblies. and other medical equipment for oxygen therapy. This is evidenced by the results of the analysis of the dynamics of open data on the import of therapeutic respiratory equipment. The imports grew by 15-20% in the USA, and by 30-40% in the UK.

[PS: Alexey Leonkov, military expert, editor of the Arsenal of the Fatherland Magazine (Russia):]
[cit:] "In 2008, the RAND Corporation, a well-known US think tank, the most expensive and most respected one, published reports on the prospects of this biological weapon after one of the first pandemics associated with the coronavirus, in which it wrote that the most promising development is a viral weapon, namely a viral biological weapon. Since viruses, unlike bacteria, have an infinite number of mutations. they can quickly penetrate the human body and affect primary its respiratory an pulmonary system. This is, the main focus of biological research was related to influencing the human respiratory organs, bringing them to operability and, accordingly, to death."

Moreover, Western journalists found the registered viruses in the US patent database. In 2002, 2003 and 2015, virologists Boyd Yount and Ralph Baric patented various forms of coronaviruses. And this, despite the fact that according to the law, it is impossible to "possess the rights to a natural phenomenon." That is, these viruses are artificial.

[document picture]
[PS:] "We made sure that viruses are effective in terms of creating mass psychosis, destabilizing the political situation, and collapsing economics.
The coronavirus has caused more damage to the global economy than any war."

And here we come to the infamous city of Wuhan. From October 18 to October 27, 2019, the city hosted the VII Military World Games. More than 10 thousand people from 109 countries of the world took part in them. The US delegations consisted of 300 people. The scientific community of China in the course of research has established
that it was at that moment that "patient zero" arrived in the country, who was
a US citizen. Later, the theory was picked up by the American journalist George Webb. He disclosed the name of an American athlete who came to Wuhan for the games.
This is Mathieu Benassi.

=== ! REM: Inconsistency between vid pic and English subtitles here: ===

[pic: shows a woman]
[PS: The woman was an employee of the US Army Medical Research Institute
for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, the think tank for all biological research.]

[PS:] "Alexey Leonkov, military expert, editor of the Arsenal of the
Fatherland Magazine (Russia):"
[cit:] "Such weapon has no tag of where it was made. You can't write that on a virus. Traces are very difficult to trace, if you don't find the test tube in which the virus was created, if you don't find it in the specific place, where the virus was created. That is a universal weapon. No need for an atomic bomb, no need for bombing - you just launch a virus, sit on the sidelines and watch people die, and medicine is fighting for their lives, virologists are struggling to find a vaccine or something else to save people. And the nation is fading."]

The Chinese Foreign Ministry, as well as the expert community, said they do not rule out that it was the United States that deliberately introduced Covid into China. They chose Wuhan because of the mass event. In addition, the Institute of Virology is also located there. Its biosafety level is IV. It means working with different strains of coronavirus. This is very handy for a beautiful frameup. And as if on cue, the entire American press began to actively develop the Chinese trace. The results of the genetic analysis of COVID-19 indicate that three subtypes of coronavirus infection circulate in the world - A, B, and C. Moreover, only two of them were detected in China during the pandemic. The most dangerous strains were found in China, Iran, Italy and the United States, which scientists explained as a natural mutation of the infection. However, the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention has established an extremely low ability of a new typ of coronaviru to naturally mutate. Simply put, the Covid was fed artificially. Moreover, as scienists note, in different countries the coronavirus proceeded differently in people: severity, mortality, and symptoms varied.

[PS:] "Marat Markov, Chairman of the Board of the Second National TV Channel:"
[cit:] "See how China reacted. Indeed, two years ago, it was China that was accused by the US President Donald Trump of the fact that it was from there that the infection came. Now the questions that arises is not 'Whose Crimea?', but 'Whose Covid ?' And someone should be held liable for the 6 million dead and half a billion sick, especially if it turns out that Ukraine has something to do with it."

According to Japanese and Taiwanese virologists, the Chinese scientists had only one type of coronavirus at their disposal carrying out routine work on it. The United States is the only country in the world that has all five types of coronavirus derived from the same source and stored in the laboratory of the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases in Fort Detrick. The National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center is a special point on the biological map of the United States. It officially studies microbes, toxins, and viruses that could pose threats to military or public health, and investigates disease outbreaks. The only thing is that it's the people who live nearby who get sick. And the diseases themselves raise many questions. Beijin has already recalled the unexplained cases of sudden pneumonia outbreaks to Washington, including the one at Fort Detrick in 2019. In August-September, more than 500 cases of severe pneumonia were recorded in the United States. Seven victimes died. At the same time, all had similar symptoms: malaise, cough, progressive pulmonary edema. Then, to reassure the townspeople, the authorities linked the cases of pneumonia with the use of electronic cigarettes. However, in September of the same year, Japanese citizens who had never smoked such cigarettes were infected in Hawaii with similar symptoms.

[PS:] "Laboratory "net".

How many secret laboratories of the Pentagon are there around the world ? Different numbers are called, but, as a rule, more than 300.
In her investigation, well-known Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva describes in detail how the United States develops bioweapons in labs disguised as medical centers on different continents in 25 countries - in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, as well as in Georgia and Ukraine.

[pic document, then person]
[PS:] "Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, Bulgarian journalist."
[cit:] "And even a small leak can lead to massive epidemics. In addition, in countries where the leadership is loyal to the United States, it can be unofficially tested on the local population without their consent."

Another infamous US laboratory is located in Georgia. This is the Richard Lugar Biolab.

[pic document]
[cit:] "In 2014, the Lugar Biolab was provided with special insect breeding equipment and three projects were started to collect, study phlebotomine sand flies and test their infectivity levels. One of the projects was called 'Raising awareness of sandfly barcoding in Georgia and the Caucasus'. Phlebotomine sand flies themselves are known for carrying dangerous parasites in their saliva, and when they bite a person, they enter the bloodstream, causing leishmaniasis. If left untreated, it causes death in an acute form."

They also studied yellow fever mosquitoes - how they carry infections through trees and surfaces. And it's not as easy as it seems. Here is an example: the Americans studied the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in a laboratory in Georgia, where they do not let anyone in. As a result, 34 people fell ill in the vicinity, several of them died. What was Washington's response ? Total denial. Russia alone repeatedly demanded that the United States explained the activities of the infamous Lugar Center in Georgia. This American laboratory was repeatedly accused of conducting experiments on people. According to a report by former Georgian Health Minister Igor Giorgadze, a highly toxic chemical was allegedly tested on humans, which led to the death of 73 Georgian citizens.

[PS:] "Igor Nikulin, microbiologist, former member of the UN Commission on
Biological and Chemical Weapons:"
[cit] "How are the experiments on people carried out ? They are secret. Bacteria
and viruses are sprayed into the ventilation system. People don't know this, but experts know about it."

The extent to which the Pentagon is serious about the use of biological weapons can be seen from a partially declassified 1981 U.S. Department of Defense report. The Bulgarian Center for the Study of the Middle East cites documents in which experts from the military department compared the cost-effectiveness of three scenarios for a possible biological attack on a large enemy city: 16 simultaneous attacks by the infected yellow fever mosquitoes from the ground and air and an aerosol attack with sprayed tularemia. The report does not provide details of all operations, but, for example, the costs of aerosol attack are specified. With 625,000 people killed, each death would cost the Pentagon 29 cents. Just imagine, such US biolabs are located in 25 countries worldwide. These are multibillion-dollar processes and developments. Many labs are located in the post-Soviet space and near China. What for ? There are several goals for that.

"The U.S. military labs in Eurasia allow the Pentagon to achieve multiple goals at once, Russian military experts say. First, to collect data on microorganisms in the territory, which is important for the creation of highly effective biological weapons against Russia, Iran and China. Secondly, the ability to perform the acts of sabotage aimed at hitting the economy of the listed countries (e.g., destroying animals and poultry used for food, and people themselves). Thirdly, to make medicine dependent on American drug manufacturers, because the one who created it knows how to deal with the virus."

Let's go back to Ukraine. The appearance of American biolabs there coincided with outbreaks of serious infectious diseases. 2011, Mariupol - cholera outbreak. 2014, Nikolaev - the same disease. 2016, Kharkov - 20 soldiers die from unknown disease (later it was determined that it was swine flu). In the same place, in Kharkov, 19 children were taken to the hospital with hepatitis A because of the poisoned water. Scientific stations worked everywhere near these cities. The coincidence of Pentagon activity in Ukraine and outbreaks of infectious diseases is suspicious because companies that the US Department of Defense contracted to work in Ukraine have long been engaged in researching infections for military purposes. So, the Southern Research Institute has a project on cholera, as well on influenza and Zika viruses, which are the pathogens of military importance to the Pentagon. Together with the Southern Research Institute, laboratories in Ukraine are managed by Black & Veatch and Metabiota. There are plenty of clues. The history of US government contracts can be traced in the public domain. So, there is a deal between the Pentagon and Metabiota company. According to the documents, the work started on February 10, 2014. The financing amounted to more than 18 million USD. There is also a detailed transaction history. More than 300 thousand USD was allocated for a certain research project in Ukraine. At the same time, there are no other countries in the history of payments.

[PS:] "Igor Nikulin, microbiologist, former member of the UN Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons:"
[cit] "In Unkraine, there are constant outbreaks of diseases that are
atypical of the area. Now it's botulism, then it's rabies, the African swine
fever. Measles and rubella were reported in Western Ukraine. Various intestinal diseases were reported in the south, and hemorrhagic pneumonia occurred in the east, which, among other things, affected Ukrainian soldiers."

The microbiologist is sure that the United States has turned Ukraine into a testing ground for its developments. According to him, the United States developed its latest biological weapons technology there on a very different gene pool - on people, animals and even plants. Hence, the epidemics and outbreaks of the diseases.

[PS:] "Igor Nikulin, microbiologist, former member of the UN Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons:"
[cit] "The U.S. has turned Ukraine into a super practice ground for testing
the means and methods of biological warfare, thus fully violating the
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling
of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction."

And there are many such examples. All of them are available in open sources. The lab scandal emphasizes once again that people on other continents are an expendable material for Washington. This is American biology for the sake of big politics.

[PS:] "Dimitry Rogozin, head of the Roscosmos State Corporation:"
[cit] "It is no secret to the Russian leadership that the purpose of
biological experiments conducted by the Pentagon using biomaterials obtained
from Slavic test subjects in Ukraine and other countries neighboring Russia is
to develop 'ethnic weapons' against the Russian population and Russia."

These weapons affect both the productive function of women of a certain nationality, and the immune system of a particular ethnic group, causing allergies, intolerance to traditional foods and susceptibility to diseases, leading to weakened immunity of the nation and its extinction without the
impact of wars.

I would like to summarize - something's still to come. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is ready to publish a portion of new documents about secret laboratories in Ukraine. They say they will prove that the Pentagon has been implementing secret projects for the development of biological weapons for many years, which are contrary not only to international law, but also to the elementary moral standards, which have long been forgotten overseas.

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